Thursday, September 19, 2013

♡ Chilly Day in St. Mark's Square ♡

☆ Vogue Rage RAGE TANK (size small), Moderntrend body chainOIA JULES bracelet, ZARA jeans, Italian Murano glass bracelet, Oversized aztec cardigan (I got mine in a sample store in Shanghai, but similar can be found here), H&M backpack 

It was a nice chilly day in Venice the other day, so I thought it was the perfect time to try on my new cardigan I bought in Shanghai before I left.  I was actually looking at this on the web (except in ivory) for awhile, and then one day when I was shopping in a little sample store (Shanghai has a whole bunch of little shops that sell samples they get directly from factories, so the stuff is really cheap) I found the EXACT SAME cardigan-- but in black-- for only $15! It's really warm and not too heavy, and the material is comfortable (not super scratchy and itchy like I had imagined).  I also love the aztec print! Great for fall (: 

I first found out about Oia Jules while browsing around on Instagram, and immediately fell in love with the unique and beautiful pieces designed by Elizabeth Schricker.  I was really bummed at first because I discovered her jewelry three days before my boyfriend would leave for Shanghai (I mailed a bunch of stuff to his house in Hawaii to bring to me lol) and I really wanted to wear her bracelets on my trip, so I emailed Elizabeth and she was SO SWEET she rushed them to me (er, my boyfriend) just in time! Her designs are amazing, definitely go check out Oia Jules (:

Vogue Rage is actually my good friends' clothing line featuring women's street-wear and fashion on the west coast (US).  They just launched not too long ago but I love their designs so far & I'm excited to see what they have in store next.  Take the time to check them out, and follow them on Instagram for discounts and special offers (: Go Caela & Yasmin!

That's it for now! Until next time (:


1 comment:

  1. Romantic Venice !

    "But sudden was the newborn day reveal'd:
    A maiden came, in heavenly bright array,
    Like the fair creatures of the poet's lay
    In realms of song. My yearning heart was heal'd..."
